What Artificial Intelligence “thinks” of 1biosphere

I fed the content of 1biosphere.org into NotebookLM, a Google AI product currently in “experimental” mode.  It offers several different output formats and here are three of them: a PODCAST, a SUMMARY and a FAQ.


I think this is amazing.  It sounds so real; two voices discussing 1biosphere.org – all without a human reading or voicing anything. Yes, it is a bit long and sometimes repetitive. It pulls in some items that are not part of the website and it does not reflect my emphasis in other areas.  It also ignores differences between my direct input and where I quote others. Despite all that it is an interesting commentary in a format I never considered.


This document argues for the urgent formation of a global Federation of Environmental Organizations, “F”, to combat the ongoing degradation of the biosphere, which it attributes to a powerful and destructive force it calls “E.”

E, representing forces like neoliberalism, oligarchy, and capitalism, is characterized as a system that exploits the biosphere for profit and power, often at the expense of human well-being.

The author outlines a vision for F as a unified, global force with the power to counter E’s influence. He proposes a structure for F, addressing key issues like vision, ethics, governance, finance, and marketing. He emphasizes the need for a global perspective, recognizing that local actions are insufficient to address the global scale of the problem.

The document uses a blend of scientific language, political commentary, and symbolic representations to illustrate its message, urging readers to act now to prevent irreversible damage to the biosphere.

[I quite like this summary]

FAQ: There Exists Exactly One Biosphere – An Appeal for a Federation of Environmental Organizations

1. Why is there an urgent need for environmental organizations to form a federation?

The current environmental crisis demands a united front. Individually, organizations lack the power and reach to combat the global forces degrading the biosphere. A federation (F) would amplify their efforts, provide a unified message, and effectively challenge entities like “E” (representing Neoliberalism, Oligarchism, Capitalism, etc.) that prioritize exploitation over sustainability.

2. What would be the primary goals of this federation?

“F” would strive to halt and reverse the degradation of the biosphere by countering the influence of “E.” This includes addressing climate change, pollution, biodiversity loss, and the exploitation of both humans and resources. It would operate globally while maintaining local action, fostering unity, and promoting effective solutions.

3. How would such a federation be structured and governed?

“F” could adopt a structure similar to successful multinational organizations, incorporating elements of corporations, government organizations, and even religious bodies. It would comprise departments, geographical divisions, partnerships, and a management structure, potentially resembling a United Nations focused on the biosphere. Leadership would emphasize shared responsibility, potentially avoiding traditional power structures.

4. What role would marketing and messaging play in the federation’s success?

Marketing is crucial to counteract “E’s” pervasive influence. “F” needs compelling branding (e.g., “1biosphere”) to unify its message and inspire action. It would leverage traditional and digital marketing strategies to communicate the urgency of the crisis, highlight “E’s” detrimental role, and offer a positive vision for the future.

5. How does the issue of consumption factor into the federation’s mission?

“F” recognizes that technological solutions alone are insufficient. It would advocate for a significant shift in consumption patterns, moving away from the “buy now, buy more” mentality promoted by “E.” The focus would be on promoting mindful consumption, valuing quality over quantity, and prioritizing the long-term health of the biosphere.

6. What stance would the federation take on politics, justice, and violence?

“F” would engage actively in the political sphere to counteract “E’s” dominance and advocate for policies aligned with its goals. It would promote a justice system that values the equal worth of all humans and safeguards their well-being. While rejecting illegal violence, “F” acknowledges the role of legal and ethical action to protect the biosphere and its inhabitants.

7. How does the concept of time impact the federation’s approach?

“F” adopts a “Deep Time” perspective, considering the consequences of actions over generations and millennia, contrasting with “E’s” short-term focus. It emphasizes the urgency of the present moment, recognizing that delaying action could push the biosphere past critical tipping points, making recovery impossible.

8. Is it realistic to believe that this federation can succeed against powerful entities like “E”?

While challenging, the success of “F” is possible. The author argues that humanity possesses the capacity for collective action, evidenced by organizations like the European Union and successful social movements. “F” aims to leverage this capacity by uniting environmental organizations, engaging in effective marketing, and promoting a vision of a sustainable future.

[The FAQ is OK.  I assume it is structured more for a teaching situation, where students are asked to study a text and extract it’s meaning.  Maybe not so applicable to the target audience here.  Still, it’s not bad to generate this response in a matter of seconds.]

Overall, these results support my contention that we, the Federation (“F”), must be aware of the good and bad effects of AI.  If it can so easily generate this output for me, it can do the same if presented a mass of misinformation.  We can be sure E will use AI to its fullest extent. (See the home page for an explanation of the symbols “E” and “F”)

And, yes, I am aware of the energy use, and the GHG implications, of the AI farms that enable this sort of work. Which is of course the problem; we are our own enemy.

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